About Us

We have been serving in Youth With A Mission since 2010, having done our DTS in San Jose, Costa Rica. After completing the DTS we stayed on in San Jose and served on staff for multiple DTS’s and also completed a Bible Core Course (BCC). During our time in Costa Rica, God birthed a vision in our hearts to see the Deaf Community mobilized in missions and enflamed with the fire of the Holy Spirit to reach out into Deaf Communities all over the world. The American Sign Language (ASL) Discipleship Training School (DTS) is our dream with God to see a generation of Deaf Christians rise up to walk the fields with their Father and to pick the harvest.

I (Carole) went to Gallaudet University from 2006-2008 and graduated with my Masters in Bilingual Deaf Education. I did my teaching internship at the New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe, NM and went on to teach for one year. After this year I pursued interpreting and got my RID National Certification. I became a staff interpreter at the New Mexico School for the Deaf until being called into YWAM.

Dan and I were married in 2009. Only after meeting me did Dan begin to learn ASL but it was mostly just through association. However, after our call by God to pioneer the ASL DTS he has since taken ASL classes at Gallaudet University and is now fluent in ASL.

In 2012 we moved to Washington D.C. and served with YWAM DC for 7 years. We pioneered the ASL DTS and ran 5 DTS schools for the Deaf in sign language. We also ran biblical training schools and helped launch Davids Tent DC. We moved in 2019 to Jamaica with our 2 children, Olive and Valor, where we now serve the Deaf community. Both Dan and I have a love for the Bible, passionately seeking our relationships with the Lord, and seeking His presence through worship, intercession, and engaging with the Holy Spirit in knowing the heart of the Father!